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絵本の持つ言葉の力、絵の力は、 深く、広く、温かく、優しく、楽しく未来への希望へとつなげる 言葉の世界.。絵本は、広い未知なる宇宙です。

想像の翼を広げて 空想の世界を思いっきり遊ぶ


想像の翼を広げて   空想の世界を思いっきり遊んでみませんか?

子どもの時を思い出して。現実の日常では、ありえないお話が、 絵本の中では、ありえます。常識や知識に縛られすぎて、物の本質を見失っていることに 後から気づくことがあります。

ときには、 想像力を働かせて、広大な空想の世界を旅してみましょう。









でも、空想の世界を楽しむことができるのは、子どもたちです。 大人はになるにつれて、空想することが少なくなっていくのはなぜでしょう。





















見逃してはならない重要な大切なことがあります。 空想の力を保持し続けることは、創造性や柔軟な思考を促進するうえで重要です。


人生という旅を歩く上でも、仕事の上でも 新たなアイデアや展望を見つける手助けとなるでしょう。 ここに、ときには子どもの心に帰ってみてください。



Expand the wings of imagination,
Why not dive into the world of fantasy with all your might?
Recall your childhood days.

In the realm of everyday reality, tales that seem impossible
Are entirely possible within the pages of storybooks.

Being bound by conventional wisdom and knowledge,
We often realize later that we've lost sight of the essence of things.

At times,
Let's put our imagination to work and embark on a journey through the vast world of fantasies.
What kind of adventure do you want to embark upon?
What places would you like to visit?
What experiences do you yearn for?

Your imagination can become your wings, allowing you to explore boundless possibilities.

Look, don't you feel a sense of excitement while reading "The Wonderful Adventures of Nils"?
(Note: A Swedish tale)

However, the ability to revel in the world of imagination often belongs to children.
Why is it that as adults, we tend to indulge in imagination less and less?
Let's delve a bit deeper into this matter.


The events of everyday reality and those found within the pages of storybooks often reside in different dimensions.
Storybooks have the power to lead us into different realities through their allure, igniting our imagination.
While predominantly children embrace these worlds of fantasy, it can be said that as we grow into adults, this tendency diminishes due to multiple factors.

Firstly, the process of becoming an adult brings about an increase in experience and realistic responsibilities.
Work, family, social relationships – adults must assume numerous roles in daily life, and these aspects impose practical constraints.

Within the confines of limited time and energy, there might be less room to immerse oneself in imagination.

Secondly, societal expectations and norms can act as inhibitors of adult imagination.
In contemporary society, emphasis is placed on rationality and efficiency, and unrealistic fantasies might be deemed wasteful.

Moreover, adults are generally expected to make rational judgments and decisions, leading to a reduction in the tolerance for imagination within such contexts.

Thirdly, as adults accumulate knowledge and experience, their understanding of the underlying logic and mechanisms behind events and occurrences increases.
While this understanding enhances a practical perspective, it may reduce the pure wonder and illusion.

Children are still exploring the world, growing while reveling in new discoveries, but adults tend to evaluate things based on familiar information.

Additionally, the lives of adults often brim with busyness and stress, causing prioritization of practical tasks and overindulgence in imagination.

Furthermore, adults must respond to communication with others and societal demands, potentially limiting the pursuit of uninhibited imagination.

In conclusion, the decrease in adult imagination is not a simple phenomenon; multiple factors intertwine to create this outcome.

However, there's a crucial aspect that should not be overlooked.
Maintaining the power of imagination is vital for fostering creativity and flexible thinking.
Have you forgotten to occasionally enjoy pure imagination, unburdened by the constraints of reality?

In both life's journey and professional endeavors,
It can aid in discovering new ideas and perspectives.

Here, take a moment to return to the heart of a child.
"Expand the wings of imagination, and play heartily in the world of fantasy."